Real Church at Your Fingertips
The Global Church is a global reformation and body of baptized believers who have come together to exalt the name of Jesus Christ in these last days. During these times we need a real Word from God that can clarify the times as well as lead us to see the Lord's face in peace. If you desire to be developed into a solid son of God the Global Church is the place for you!

Meet the Team

Join the Reformation
God is bringing the Body of Christ to the unity of the Faith. He is restoring Apostolic Order to the Church by raising up real apostles who are providing a spiritual umbrella for Pastors, Prophets, Evangelists and Teachers, to receive a constant flow of the revelation of the Mystery of Christ. There are no financial obligations involved.
Join the alliance of Pastors and others of the 5-fold ministry, who have been called to the GLOBE and have come to understand how to walk in the spirit and fulfill the great commission. You don't have to go it alone. We are here to help. We want nothing from you other than for you and those you lead, to manifest the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.